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Content Generation Exercises & Motivation // Scroll for details and to subscribe.

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Tell a Better Business Story

Learn to see and generate content from a fresh, story and message perspective in an upcoming newsletter series.

Tell a better business story by looking beyond the surface for what is truly meaningful to the reader in this content training subscription.


It’s not WHAT’S there that tells the story,

– but what’s NOT there,

– – that tells what IS there.


Through online examples and exercises, you will learn to see deeper into authentically rich business story ideas and opportunities, improving your content task creativity and development. All through the fresh perspective of Whats·Not·Is.

Exercises ideal for anyone tasked with crafting meaningful business content.

  • Small business owners
  • Business/organizational managers
  • Communication teams and departments
  • Employees with social media responsibility
  • Writers and creators seeking a fresh approach to business content development
Whats-not-is helps business and organization communicators more easily create distinct and meaningful business messaging.

Quick Exercise:

What would be a typical business story for this flight school photo? What do YOU see?

Viewed through the WhatsNotIs! perspective, this business story tells of the in-depth training students master in making aeronautical, Go/No-Go flight decisions.

A significant point of awareness in reflecting student safety and training regiment, and influential in fueling new student participation.

The application of WhatsNotIs! can be EASILY applied to any business, industry, and media format.

The application of whats-not-is gives small business owners a tool to create meaningful social media content containing business value.
An online, content development training subscription to sharpen and enhance message vision for business writers, communicators and owners.

WhatsNotIs! will help you transform surface level descriptions into energizing, audience-connecting moments that strengthen business relevance and encourage participation, online and off.

Welcome & Sample Excercise

Learn and put into immediate practice two core values of telling a better business story on social media.

Helping You Tell a Better Business Story

That's the Mission

Without realization, over the past 20 years I’ve utilized a distinct approach to crafting business content that reveals authentically rich, audience empowering stories for organizations across a number of industries.

Recently, the identity of this approach became clear, giving shape to the process of telling a better business story.

Join me in a twice a month newsletter series sharing insights and exercises on how you can apply my WhatsNotIs! approach to generating better business stories that authentically distinguish your business. By subscribing, you will learn to uncover fresh story opportunities that will energize and engage your customers and audiences.

Join me by subscribing below.


Brett Bonnville

WhatsNotIs! - Content Generation Exercises & Motivation

Tell a better business story today!

Questions? Specific content or exercise requests? Email me! | You can also find me at: brettbonnville.com | About me: My Path to Why

A Perspective Technique

that looks beyond what's on the surface to uncover deeper attributes, motivations, explanations and meaning.

A Directional Approach

for use in content generation, marketing communications and story development.